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Beginner's guide to your First Spray Tan

The Beginners Guide to Your First Spray Tan

You’ve booked your first spray tan in! Your immediate thought, “woo, look out world, I’m going to be a bronzed goddess this time next week”… Your second thought, “I’m going to be naked in front of a complete stranger”.

Yeah, we’ve all been there! And if not, girl give some of your confidence to the rest of us! But, you don’t have to worry, we have got your back, front and bare legs covered with our foolproof, I-was-worried-for-nothing beginner’s guide to your first spray tan, stress optional (but so not needed):

  1. Eek naked? What if I’m too scared to get undressed – Trust us, take solace in the fact that your spray tanner has seen it all, literally. All your spray tan technician is worried about is giving you the best, most even, beautifully bronzed tan you’ve ever had. Your body may be there on show, and you may feel uncomfortable at first since it is your first spray tan, but we promise you the feeling goes away as quickly as it came into your head. A spray tan is just your next step towards a Brazilian we say, and what’s more bare-all than that?
  2. The prep sounds confusing! What do I do – Prep is the key to a flawless spray tan, but never fear, it is easy as 1-2-3 to get done! Firstly, make sure your body is a clean canvas. By that we mean hair removal, scrubbing away any residue on your skin, and making sure the rough areas on your skin are covered by a barrier of moisturiser. We recommend the Sunescape Exfoliating Body Polish to remove any existing tan, dirt or lingering deodorant on your body, and finishing up with a light layer of our Hydrating Body Butter on your elbows, knees, ankles and feet, and your hands. And this tip isn’t just for your first spray tan, you should do this every time! Most tanners even do this for you to ensure the perfect tan.
  3. I’m so pale, I’m almost transparent! What if I go too dark – This is guaranteed not to happen unless you ask specifically for a deep, dark tan. Luckily dozens of spray tan brands exist with a wide range of different tones and colours. Sunescape’s 3 spray tan solutions range from light to dark, each with its own level of DHA in the formula. Ask your spray tanner for a subtle glow, or a daring bronze (whatever your style) and you will get just that.
  4. I’m scared to rub the tan off when I move. How do I make sure it stays even – One of the most annoying things about spray tans is the waiting around after to wash it off. While you may be scared that your tan will rub off all along your car seat, and subject yourself to standing like a stiff board in one spot for 2 hours +, most spray tan formulas are quick-drying nowadays without dehydrating your skin. Sunescape is equal parts ultra-hydrating and quick-drying, allowing you to commit everyday tasks while your tan dries, as well as preventing that dreaded snakeskin end look.

Now all your first spray tan woes are sorted, you will be beautifully bronzed in no time, ready for the weekend. No spray tan is complete without your prep and maintain products, ready for you to use.